This is where you visit if you want the lowdown on all the functionality this Ingredilist App has to offer. Please press the links in the menu to find out more about the screens of the application that you are interested in. (NOTE: this application may contain many additional features that haven't been mentioned in this user guide, this guide simply mentions the main features in how to use the application).
NOTE: the test user input for the local login screen and firebase login is "eee" and "eee" respectively. Also the back icon in the action bar will take you back to the Ingredilist application.
After pressing the user guide manual button on the settings screen, you will be taken to an activity which displays the user guide manual in a webview.
This user guide manual is responsive and dynamic, meaning it can be read from and displayed on multiple sized devices without issue. To navigate around this user manual simply press the menu icon in the top right and press the screen name you would like to know more about.